Jet Peel is an effective and safe contactless method of face and body treatment. It uses pressurized gas that delivers special medical substances deep into the skin under high pressure.

Jet Peel device (made in Israel) is utilized. High pressure the solution is delivered under improves microcirculation in tissues, boosts lymphatic drainage in the skin, cleans pores and starts the oxygenation process (saturates tissues with oxygen).

Jet Peel treatment acts on all skin layers, not just on the surface. The technology provides a comprehensive treatment for all skin issues: mechanical peel, heat treatment, oxygen, salt and vitamin delivery. This approach provides a great visible effect in a short time.

JET PEEL treatment provides:

Surface peel – for skin that doesn’t show visible signs of aging yet The device is held 7 mm from the skin surface during the treatment, so its action remains mild. Generally, 5 to 10 sessions at 1-week intervals are recommended to fully cleanse the pores and remove dead cells.

Middle layer peel – great rejuvenation effect. This treatment is especially recommended to patients with dry skin that tends to age prematurely. It is recommended to allow about 2 weeks between the sessions.

Deep jet exfoliation- needed to remove pitted acne scars, pigmentation, blemishes and scars.

Choose your type of treatment together with your beauty specialist.


• Opens up pores and cleanses sebaceous glands
• Provides multi-layer massaging
• Removes dead skin cells
• Saturates the skin with oxygen, vitamins and other healthy elements
• Removes swelling
• Polishes and smooths the skin
• Tones muscles
• Tightens the skin and makes it more elastic
• Treats seborrhea.

There are contraindications, expert advice is recommended

You can make an appointment with our beauty expert by calling 8 800 500 02 03 or through the feedback form.

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There are contraindications. Specialist consultation required
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