Psychotherapy for children and adolescents is a complex of various techniques and measures to restore emotional health and behavioral reactions in children and adolescents. During the consultation, the psychotherapist takes into account all the factors that affect the formation of the child's personality, including the features of the social environment, ways of parenting in the family, the age and sex of the child, if necessary, prescribes additional examinations and medical treatment.

The appointment (consultation) of a psychotherapist for children and adolescents involves the assessment of the level of development, strengths and weaknesses of the child's personality, his/her abilities, inclinations as well as mental disorders, psychological problems, impaired interaction in the system of child-parent relations and recommendations on ways to correct the identified problems.

✔ One of the important skills of a psychotherapist is to create a trusting atmosphere, to be able to make a good impression to a child of any temperament and any age - from a hyperactive to a shy person, from a toddler to a teenager. Only with full trust is it possible to choose the most appropriate ways to influence the mental state, to establish a child's relationship with parents, teachers, peers, to teach him/her to manage him/her emotions.

When your child should be consulted by a psychotherapist?

• Delayed speech and speech development (no phrases of 2 words by the age of 2, simple sentences by the age of 3)
• With behavioral disorders, pathological habits (biting nails, sucking a finger, etc.), tics (involuntary blinking, coughing)
• With hyperactivity and attention deficit ("he won't sit still, he doesn't seem to hear from the first time")
• With sleep disorders, enuresis (urinary incontinence at night), fears, phobias
• With difficulty communicating with peers, shyness, if the child is teased and offended
• With school failure (laziness is not the only cause), etc.

When do I need to consult a teenager with a psychotherapist?

• With disorders of emotions and behavior, including aggressive and auto-aggressive behavior (self-cutting, scratching), excessive temper, irritability, long-term low mood (subdepression, depression)
• With computer addiction, smartphone addiction, tablet addiction, social networks addiction
• When looking for motivation to practice different sports and study
• With low motivation to study, lack of understanding of which training profile to choose (career guidance)
• Dissatisfaction with their appearance, weight, food selectivity
• With vegetative disorders (so-called vegetative-vascular dystonia): dizziness, fainting, palpitations, choking sensation, lump in throat sensation, trembling in the body, health fears
• In case of divorce of parents, death of loved ones, conflict situations within the family, school
• To treat phobias and fears
• When you need to increase self-esteem, resolve shyness, establish new contacts with people
• To correct adolescent crises
• When adapting to school, overcoming difficulties of socialization in a team.

You can make an appointment for a consultation with a psychotherapist by phone 8 800 500 02 03 or through the feedback form.

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