Kinesio taping
Kinesio taping

Kinesio taping (taping) is a method of prevention and functional treatment of injuries/diseases of the musculoskeletal system, muscles, joints and ligaments. The technique is based on applying special adhesive tapes made of cotton (tapes) to the damaged areas of the body to restore them.

A tape is a cotton elastic band with an adhesive layer on one side. It does not include painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other additives. The adhesive is hypoallergenic and is activated from heating to the temperature of the human body. Oxygen passes well through the tape; it dries quickly when wet and is able to stretch by 30-40% of its length, which makes it similar to skin and muscles in elasticity. It can be used for up to several days. The color does not change the properties of the tape, but only provides a decorative effect.


The elastic band takes over part of the load from the muscles and tendons. The tape lifts the skin, thereby improving microcirculation and blood flow under it, reduces compression and brings down intratissue pressure — this is the so-called tape's lifting effect. This effect is translated to the underlying tissues, i.e., connective and muscular ones.

• Due to the reduction of intratissue pressure, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are achieved.
• Improved blood circulation and lymph flow contribute to the rapid elimination of inflammatory products from the body and reduction of tissue swelling.
• The tape regulates contractile activity and muscle tone by acting on the receptors responsible for their length and tension.

What procedure does

• Reduces pain and inflammation, improves tissue trophic activity. Moreover, the tape can save, and in some cases even increase the amplitude of movement.
• Reduces the load on tendons and muscles, improves blood supply and lymph flow, minimizes swelling of tissues in the taping area.
• The muscle tone regulation system is activated, which reduces muscle tension. The constant long-term effect of the elastic pull of the tape on the tissue leads to normalization of muscle tone.

Taping problem areas during exercise, sports significantly reduces the risk of injury.


• High risk of injury of knee, ankle, wrist joints
• Rehabilitation support, i.e., after back and shoulder injuries
• Correction of mobility and position of the joint in case of joint deformation
• Prevention of loads on certain areas of the body during active sports, with increased physical exertion
• Treatment of diseases provoked by excessive loads on the muscles and joints
• Removal of pain syndrome of different localization
• Posture correction
• Improvement of proprioception (muscle sensitivity).

Fixing problem areas stimulates the recovery processes in the body, reduces the negative consequences after injuries. For maximum results, kinesio taping can be combined with other methods of treatment (physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage).


• Lack of drug exposure
• No contraindications (except for skin lesions in the treatment area)
• Can be used by pregnant women and children
• Tapes do not constrain movement
• Patient can swim and play sports
• Combination with physical therapy.

The patient can lead a normal life, i.e., take a shower, swim in the pool without restriction of his/her movement, and all this time the tapes have a continuous therapeutic effect.


• Fast pain relief
• Reduced edema
• Improved blood supply
• Improved movement
• Faster recovery in rehabilitation
• Improving the effectiveness of complex treatment
• Lasting effect of complex procedures (physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage).

You can make an appointment for a visit to a rehabilitation specialist by phone 8 800 500 02 03 or through the feedback form.

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There are contraindications. Specialist consultation required
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