The main purpose of liposuction is to remove fat in specific areas of the body to fix its size and give it a beautiful shape.
✅ At LANTSET, our professionals perform both the classical liposuction method and the one using innovative technologies, Vibroliposuction (vibration liposuction). It is a gentle method of surgical removal of fat deposits in various body parts using a specialized device (PAL) that creates a high-frequency vibration.
The PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction) device is a vibropneumatic device equipped with a pneumatic cannula (three to five millimeters in size). The small size of the cannula makes the procedure less traumatic and enables the surgeon to perform the correction accurately and precisely. The cannula body is driven by compressed air and makes rapid forward movements (up to 6000 per minute) destroying fat cells that are removed by vacuum suction.
ADVANTAGES of vibration liposuction
• Safety, no risk of injury (heating) of surrounding tissues due to solely mechanical impact.
• Efficiency, a sufficiently large amount of fat tissue (about 5 liters of adipocytes) can be removed over one procedure.
• Good results are achieved due to the accurate vibration impact.
• Short recovery period, the PAL device additionally coagulates blood vessels, reducing blood loss and swelling.
• High-quality biomaterial, gentle removal technology keeps fat cells that can be used for transplantation to other body parts viable.
• Shorter procedure, the PAL device provides a high frequency of movement of the cannula reducing the surgery time by 35%.
• Individual approach, the functional features of the PAL device enable to adjust the parameters of its work to match characteristics of each patient's body.
The PAL liposuction technique is effective when working on large areas with a lot of excess fat. Usually, it is back, hips, arms, sides, buttocks, and stomach. Vibroliposuction is used to correct fibrous zones and rarely face and neck.
The main areas for vibration liposuction include those that are not susceptible to sports and diets:
▪️ Abdomen and sides
▪️ Upper arms (shoulder area)
▪️ Breeches area
▪️ Buttocks
▪️ Outer and/or inner thighs
▪️ Chest (gynecomastia in men).
First of all, a drug cocktail is injected into the correction area. It consists of anesthetic components and vasoconstrictor drugs that prevent excessive bleeding and severe swelling. A cannula is inserted into the prepared area through micro-punctures which destroys fat tissue by making rapid forward movements. The procedure does not involve any incisions, major skin or nearby tissue damage. Emulsified fragmented fat tissue is removed from the body by vacuum suction.
The rehabilitation period depends on the scope of work carried out and the correction zone and can range from two weeks to two or three months. Swelling and bruising disappear within one or two weeks, and at this time the patient should take painkillers.
The punctures through which the cannula was inserted heal within a few months and become almost invisible. In some cases, patients should wear compression underwear (the doctor decides for how long), which contributes to a faster recovery of the correction zone. During the recovery period, you should avoid physical activity, sauna, tanning, and swimming pool.
The result are maintained for a long time, provided there is no stress-related weight change (± 10-15 kg). With a slight weight gain, fat cells removed during PAL liposuction appear in the correction zone in a much smaller amount.
During the consultation, the plastic surgeon thoroughly examines the patient's medical history, as well as the test results and clinical investigations, which help spot possible contraindications to the surgery.
The main contraindications to surgery include:
• Pregnancy and breastfeeding
• Beginning of the menstrual cycle (women)
• Malignant neoplastic process irrespective of its location
• Lower blood coagulability due to a genetic pathology or systematic use of anticoagulants
• Connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus)
• High blood pressure
• Diabetes mellitus (decompensation stage)
• Diabetic angiopathy, diabetic retinopathy
• Thyroid pathology with disfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
• Tuberculosis, other chronic infectious diseases
• Medical history with acute vascular events (stroke, heart attack)
• Internal organ chronic disease exacerbation
During the consultation, the plastic surgeon thoroughly examines the patient's medical history as well as the test results and clinical investigations, which help spot possible contraindications to mammoplasty.
To get a consultation with a plastic surgeon, call 8 800 500 02 03 or contact us via the feedback form.